We are thrilled to announce that Mati Carbon has been selected by Milkywire for the Climate Transformation Fund in 2024, a significant achievement given the extremely competitive nature of this year’s selection process.

Pushing the Boundaries of Carbon Dioxide Removal

Mati Carbon is among the thirteen carbon dioxide removal suppliers chosen from over 220 proposals, Our focus is on building doing permanent carbon removal using highly robust MRV systems while building climate resilience in smallholder farmers. The partnership with Milkywire is set to bring new opportunities and expand the reach of our innovative CDR solutions.

The Road Ahead

This recognition by Milkywire underscores the urgent need for viable CDR solutions and the role that innovative companies like Mati Carbon play in shaping a sustainable future. We are excited about the possibilities this partnership opens up and are eager to continue our work with renewed vigor, supported by Milkywire’s commitment to fostering a network of cutting-edge CDR technologies.

We thank Robert Höglund and Team Milkywire for selecting us and putting trust in our team.

We also thank KlarnaSpotifyBioGaia ABAtomico ING Future Energy Ventures SteameryNorthzonePlanet A VenturesAtomico and Mentimeter for taking up climate leadership and supporting us. This support is critical for us as we scale faster in the coming years.
